A groundbreaking global franchise competition that aims to redefine professional rugby’s landscape has reportedly garnered significant financial support, according to reports from England.
According to the Times, this ambitious project, inspired by the success of Formula 1 and the IPL in cricket, aims to establish a travelling, grand prix-style league that would see both men’s and women’s teams competing across various international cities each season.
The new league has already begun recruiting elite talent, with sources suggesting that as many as 20 of the game’s top players have tentatively signed up.
Backed by a major U.S.-based investor, the competition’s architects are said to be seeking additional funding to bring their vision to fruition.
The proposed competition seeks to revitalise rugby by infusing it with the kind of innovation seen in the NFL. In line with F1’s event-centric approach, each match venue would feature concerts and entertainment, creating a festival-like atmosphere. The competition aims to complement the international schedule, allowing players to represent their countries while enjoying a more balanced global calendar.
The league envisions eight franchises, each with a roster of 35 male and 17 female players, amounting to 280 male and 140 female athletes overall.
Players are reportedly enticed by the prospect of a shorter season of no more than 15 games, significantly less than the current 30-match limit in England and 37-match limit in France, alleviating concerns about player burnout.
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