As rugby players get bigger, the tackles harder, and the game more physical than ever, N-Pro emerges as a ground-breaking solution to enhance rugby safety.
Recent player studies highlight that brain injuries are not solely caused by occasional big hits but also by the cumulative effect of numerous lower impacts over the course of a player’s career. International contact sport strategies are currently specifically aimed at exposing a player to fewer hits and to reduce the magnitude of each contact. The N-Pro addresses this concern, the first scientifically tested headgear designed to reduce the G-force of such impacts by up to 75%.
Unlike traditional headguards which only offer minor protection, N-Pro boasts five layers of unique, patented viscoelastic foams. Similar to a bulletproof vest, these foams momentarily lock together upon impact, dispersing force across a wider area and mitigating the risk of brain injuries. It all happens in a nano-second and the fibres then immediately go back to a released state again.
Proven efficacy is evidenced by independent testing and studies published in prestigious journals such as BMJ Sport & Exercise Medicine and the Brain Injury journal. International professional players are choosing N-Pro not for financial incentives but for its unmatched impact protection, with injury data showcasing a significant reduction in head injuries among those using the headguard.
While N-Pro isn’t a magic bullet, it stands as a crucial component in the broader strategy for injury prevention. Combined with improved tackle technique, education and awareness, the N-Pro is at the forefront of enhancing player safety, ensuring rugby remains a thrilling yet secure sport for years to come.
Now available in SA and exclusively distributed by Forcegear in South Africa.